Hi everyone!❤️
Are you ready for some beer, songs and a night full of fun? Get ready for the upcoming Cantus together with G.A.G!🍺🥳
A Cantus (Latin for sing) is typical “student core” and just something you have to experience. It is a night solely focused on singing together and enjoying beer (or soda/water).🍻🎶 The evening will be led by the Praesidium, whom you are expected to listen to so don’t misbehave…🫣
It will take place on December 7, starting at 19:00 at Carolus Magnus!🥰 The cost will be €12.50 for people who drink beer, and €2.50 for those that drink soda/water. The event is open to non-members, but they will have to pay an additional €2.50, so invite your friends!🤩
Sign up using the link below! You can sign up until December 1st 23:59. Be quick, because we would love to see you!😎
XoXo from the XLIIIrd 🇬🇧✨and XXIst Board 🇺🇸✨