
Pub Quiz

The AcCo, together with the XXth Board, have organized a pubquiz at Marcus Antonius! It's on October 11th, it starts at 20:15. For more info and signup, check our private insta @usa_nijmegen or the USA-Update […]

CoCo Dinner

October 20th, 18:45 at Biezantijn. The Cooking Committee will organize a nice dinner with a Mexican theme. For more information, check our private insta: @usa_nijmegen, or the USA-Update Whatsapp group.

Pub Midterm Lecture


A Midterm Lecture at Tappers, by Peter van der Heiden, together with study association ismus!

Halloween Party

Marcus-Antonius Sint Anthoniusplaats 15, 6511 TR, Nijmegen, Netherlands

We are organizing a Halloween party, WITH costume contest! Wear a costume, or else....

Thanksgiving Dinner

Location and exact time TBA! ~ €25,- excluding drinks!

Addams FamiLETO Party

Marcus-Antonius Sint Anthoniusplaats 15, 6511 TR, Nijmegen, Netherlands

A party with an Addams Family Dresscode hosted by Umbrella Association LETO.


RAGWeek Grasmaaiborrel

Heidi's Skihut Molenstraat 71, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Drinks organized by the RAGWeek Foundation, where board members will go bald when a certain donation amount is reached.

Boston Tea Party

Marcus-Antonius Sint Anthoniusplaats 15, 6511 TR, Nijmegen, Netherlands

A party hosted by G.A.G. and USA Nijmegen where USA's dresscode is blue and G.A.G.'s dresscode is red.


LEO Lustrum Pitcher Party

De Professor Professor Bromstraat 54, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands

A party where you can buy cocktail pitchers for €15. At midnight, 120 free beers will be given out.


Super Bowl Sunday

Marcus-Antonius Sint Anthoniusplaats 15, 6511 TR, Nijmegen, Netherlands

An activity where we will watch the Super Bowl together and pull an all nighter. You are also able to get some drinks, snacks and hangout with your fellow students during this night, and enjoy […]


Secret Admirer Roses

A Valentine's Day event with G.A.G. where we will hand out roses which you can order for a secret and special someone. You can order the roses between January 30th and February 3rd.  

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